Building a Connection to the Lord

There is nothing greater than being in God’s presence. Too often I take for granted His capacity for unconditional love and His desire to guide my path. He wants to be my constant companion, not just my go to guy when things go awry. He wants the intimate relationship with me that He had with Adam and Eve. Yet, I often leave Him out of my daily life.

While any connection with the Lord strengthens my relationship with Him, constant interaction throughout the day builds an intimate connection that helps me recognize His voice and see His hand in all I do. He can more easily guide my path when I am in tune with Him.

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Morning Meditation: I am not defined by trauma I experienced as a child. Rather, I am fearfully and wonderfully made. The Lord knit me together in my mother’s womb and nothing changes the beauty of God’s creation. #morningmeditation #fearfully #wonderfully #creation

He Guides my Steps

Morning Meditation: I struggle to always seek the Lord’s guidance when I plan my day’s activities. Putting Him first makes all the difference in my attitude and my ability to handle any obstacles I face throughout the day. #morningmeditation #listen